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제 16 호 Thanksgiving Party Held by the SISO Club

  • 작성일 2022-11-30
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 10560

Kicker: SM NEWS

Thanksgiving Party Held by the SISO Club

by Da-hwee Kim, Editor-in-chief / Ji-Min Baek, Reporter

  elfnme@naver.com / pjm5875@naver.com

  On November 24, 2022, from 5:30 PM, a Thanksgiving party was held in Room N203. This event was hosted by SISO (Sangmyung International Students Organization), and it is meaningful because it was held three years after 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. About 50 people attended the event, including international students from various countries, Korean students, and professors. Shall we feel vividly what the atmosphere was like at the time?

Thanksgiving Party

What is the SISO club?

  SISO is the club for cultural exchange at Sangmyung University and stands for Sangmyung International Students Organization. It is a club that conducts various activities for exchange students and Korean students who want some cultural exchange with exchange students. The main purpose of this club is to have an opportunity for exchange students and Korean students to interact and experience each other's cultures and languages. It is also an opportunity to meet new people and get close to them. There are no regular gatherings every week, but there will be several big events per semester, and events will include Thanksgiving and Christmas parties and so on. In the past, there were various cultural experiences such as a club MT, language exchange, and the annual Thanksgiving party. It is a club that is expected to have more events now that COVID-19 is gradually getting resolved. 

Highlights of the Thanksgiving party

  First of all, I want to talk about the food. As it was a Thanksgiving party, the turkey appeared without fail. Professor Samuel Denny, acting as the faculty sponsor of the SISO club ordered the turkey from the Dragon Hill Lodge at the US military base in Yongsan. In addition, there were kebabs, pumpkin pie, pizza, and other very delicious foods.   Party Food

  Next, it was networking time for the group. At first, when entering the party, each individual drew a piece of paper with a number on it, and teams were formed according to the number. A total of five groups were created, and the game began after choosing a team name and slogan. Various games such as Hunminjeongeum Game, Son Byeongho Game, and Movie Guessing were held, and we could definitely feel the hard work of the organizers.

Thanksgiving Party

  Finally, I would like to mention the guests. This Thanksgiving Day party was attended by Korean students as well as international students from so many countries, including Brunei, Japan, China, and Kazakhstan. In addition, Professor Samuel Denny and Professor Jaeho Choi from the Department of English Education, and Professor Elizabeth May and Professor Francis Brennen from the General Education Department also attended. Also, Professor Daniel Craig, a former professor of the Department of English Education, enjoyed the party together.Professors (Jae-Ho Choi, Samuel Denny, Elizabeth May, and Daniel Craig)

  The Club plans to donate some of the money that was raised from the ticket sales to help the families of the victims of the Itaewon stampede.

Interviews from various participants 

  In an interview with Professor Elizabeth May, she said that this party was so much fun and lovely. In addition, she said that this event was good because it was an opportunity to interact with students from other countries and enjoy a variety of delicious foods prepared according to Thanksgiving customs. She said that this meeting would be a good experience for students to know that there are international students of various nationalities that they could not meet easily, and also that this meeting would be a good experience for international students.

  In-Gyu Hwang, the current president of the SISO club, vividly expressed what he felt while preparing for the party. This is what he said: “It was my honor to organize this Thanksgiving event. There were no difficulties, everything went through smoothly as I was as strong as a rock. I felt a great sense of achievement when I saw everyone smiling. When students are happy, we are happy too! I appreciate all the help from our professors, executives, and even non-executive members who helped us during our events.” He also revealed the club's next move as follows: “We will have our end-of-year party right after the final exam period. We haven't decided on the exact event yet, but it will be held outside of school such as going to the Namsan Tower, Lotte World, Everland, and so on. Stay tuned! We will make it legendary!”.

  Dong-In Lee, a member of the SISO club said that through this party, he was able to broaden his view of the world. This is what he said: “It's quite rare to come across such diverse cultures, but it was nice to have a new experience. Attending a party has become an extraordinary experience for me.”

  Did you enjoy reading the article? As the pandemic is almost over, it is expected that the SISO Club will be as active and host many events as before. We would like to ask for your interest in the future progress of the SISO Club.

Sources: All photos are taken by Da-Hwee Kim and Ji-Min Baek